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Home lung function test for children under six years

A new paradigm supporting personalized treatment decisions


Ventica® System is a novel lung function test designed to detect bronchial obstruction in children under six years of age with recurrent wheeze.

Using the Ventica Recorder at home requires just a few, easy steps, which the parents can easily perform.

The test is comfortable for the child as Ventica measurements are made non-intrusively while the child is asleep. Proprietary algorithms analyze the child’s breathing data to allow for a reliable determination of their Expiratory Variability Index - EVI® .
The EVI result describes the amount of variability between individual expirations during the night’s sleep.

Ventica measurement is:

  • Comfortable for young children
  • Easy for parents to use
  • A reliable marker for bronchial obstruction

Add the Ventica EVI to your clinical decision-making

Should this child be treated with controller medication?

A low EVI indicates an obstruction and a need for asthma controller medication on a child with symptoms.

It’s a big challenge to identify the children with an early asthma-like condition, who would benefit from medication. It has been found that asthma-like or obstructed breathing conditions reveal themselves very commonly at night, while the child is asleep.


The child has symptoms despite medication – should the treatment be adjusted?

A low EVI suggests suboptimal control of symptoms.
A normal EVI may suggest an alternative diagnosis.

Sleeping conditions usually are replicable to a very high degree, so that a night-time measurement technique could allow a longer-term follow-up. Night-time observations are only practical when they can be done in the home. A challenge is that the method would need to be easy for the parents to use and be virtually unnoticeable for the child. Ventica is the first device that meets these basic at home-use requirements.


Additionally, EVI may be useful when:

  • Considering withdrawal of medication
  • Considering a differential diagnosis
  • Objectively checking for medication adherence
  • Confirming recovery after an exacerbation

How to use Ventica